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Q1:How can I print the bill oftuitions and miscellaneous fees,credit fee,or physical examination form for freshmenstudents?

A1Please login to your account and enter the password in “Student Information System” to download and print the bills, remember to check your name and student ID number.

Q2:How can I pay the bills? Where can I pay if its past the payment deadline?


1.Within the payment period: please bring the payment to the post office or any branch of Huanan Bank to pay at the counter, or pay by ATM transfer, credit card (online or via the telephone).

2.After the payment period: please bring the registration bill and the tuition to the registration site for payment on the registration day; you also can pay by ATM transfer.

Q3:Information regarding tuition and miscellaneous fees exemption.

A3Please bring application documents for tuition and miscellaneous fees exemption before paying the tuition to the Office of Student Affairs on the 2nd floor of the gym. If you need to pay the amount after the completion of the process please bring the revised payment to post office or the branch of Huanan Bank to pay at the counter, by ATM transfer, or by credit card (online or via the telephone ) during the payment period; if you still need to pay after the payment period, please bring the registration bill and tuition to the registration site for payment on the registration day; you also can pay by ATM transfer.

1.You will not be eligible to apply for the loan when you apply for the tuition and miscellaneous fees exemption.

2.If you apply for tuition and miscellaneous fees exemption after paying the tuition, please make sure to login in to the “Student Information System,” go to the personal information page, and enter your own post office account number so we can transfer your tuition refund.

Q4:Requirement of Student loan?


1.Students should complete both bank and school student loan data entry first, then prior to making the payment bring the application documents for student loan to office of Student Affairs on the 2nd floor of the gym. Freshmen students or those applying for the loan for the first time should provide the parents and the student copy of the household registration transcript of the last three months. If you need to pay the amount after the process has been completed, please bring the revised payment form to the school post office or Cashier’s Office to pay at the counter.

2.Those who apply for both student loan and tuition and miscellaneous fees exemption at the same time must first apply for tuition and miscellaneous fees exemption before applying for the student loan, since the amount deducted for tuition and miscellaneous fees exemption cannot be included in the loan.

3If you apply for student loan after paying the money. Please make sure login inStudent information systemwith the personal information page. Write yourown post accountand then we can refund your money.

Q5:Do I have to pay the student union fee?

A5It is not a part of the registration process, and you can decide whether to pay to support the student union. This fee is based on the academic year. The school will only collect it on behalf of the student union until the first day of school. If you have overdue payment or have any questions, please contact the student union.

Q6:I decided not to live instudent dormitory after the semester starts when I am going into my third or fourth year. How do I apply and amend the dormitory fee?

A6Please fill out the application form with the student dormitory coordinator of the Office of Student Affairs (02-29089899 ext. 2312). The dormitory fee will be waived upon completion, so you won’t have to pay the dormitory fee; if you decide not to stay after the beginning of the semester, please go through the relevant procedures for canceling the dormitory and refunding the fee with the student dormitory coordinator of the Office of Student Affairs.

Q7:I am going into my fourth year. I have decided(not) to eat at the cafeteria after the semester began. How do I apply and amend the meal fee?

A7Senior students have the choice to dine at the cafeteria or op-out. Before the start of each semester (in June and November) there will be an announcement on the website to survey students’ willingness to participate in the student meal. Students need to complete the survey form in the Payment and Course Selection section in the Student Information System. Please be aware that the decision cannot be amended after the survey has been completed.

The registration bill will indicate the amount of the fee according to the number of school days in the semester when you choose the participate in group meals. You can use the campus card to get your meal during mealtimes.

The meal fee on the registration bill will be zero if you choose not to participate in group meals. If you need to dine at the restaurant, you can purchase meal coupons at the cafeteria.

If you do not complete the group meal survey form in-time, you’ll be automatically op-ed out of the group meal. If you want to participate in group meals after school starts, please contact the coordinator of the cafeteria affairs at 02-29089899 ext. 2113.

Q8:How to modify the payment amount?

A8Due to factors such as student loan, student dormitory, meal fee, and graduation delays, you need to modify the payment amount, please call 02-29089899, and contact the extension of the following department tocorrect the payment amount.

Student loan or tuition and miscellaneous fees exemptionext.2305

Dormitory feeext.2312

Meal feeext.2113

Q9:DoI need to pay the tuition if I choose to suspend schooling temporarily?

A9According to the regulations of our school, students who choose to suspend their studies before or on the day of the commencement do not need to pay any tuition. Please be aware of the date you submit the application to ensure your rights to a full refund.

Basis of the refund standard (according to the”College-level and Above Tuition Fee Policy”issued by the Ministry of Education)

2/3 of the total tuition will be refunded if the student applies for suspension or withdrawal after the day school begins.

1/3 of the total tuition will be refunded if the student applies for suspension or withdrawal after the 7th week of the semester.

There is no refund at all the student applies for suspension or withdrawal after the 13th week of the semester.

Q10:How to apply for proof of tuition and miscellaneous fee payment?

A10Students can bring the receipt of tuition payment for the current semester to the Accounting Office to apply for a proof of payment. For other semesters, please go to the automatic payment machine to pay the service fee, and then go to the Accounting Office with the payment receipt.

Q11:Do we need to indicate the schools name or business ID number on receipts for school related expenses?

A11For all hand-written receipts please indicate the full name of the university (明志科技大學) as the buyer.

It is not necessary to fill in the school business ID number for the duplicate uniform invoice; but if it is a triplicate uniform invoice, please fill in the school business ID number: duplicate cash register uniform invoice on typical cash registers cannot indicate the name of the buyer, so you need to tell the cashier the school’s business ID number35701534.

Q12:Do I need to pay special attention when using the buyer name財團法人明志科技大學?

A12When remitting money from outside to the school account, the receipt must indicate”財團法人明志科技大學”. As for the invoices and receipts for the purchase of items, there are currently no special regulations, 財團法人明志科技大學and明志科技大學are both acceptable.

Q13:What should I pay attention to when I get a invoice or receipt?


1. The name of the buyer.

2. Date of receipt. 3. Product name (in chinese), quantity, and unit price 4. Clearly indicate the amount in Chinese 5. If the receipt is issued by a vendor that is exempt from issuing the uniform invoice.

Q14:Should schools accept duplicate or triplicate Uniform Invoices?

A14The receipt issued by business entities to non-business entities (school), via duplicate uniform invoice is preferred. You should attach the second and third copy of the of Triplicate Uniform Invoice from the vendor or indicate the school’s business ID number “35701534” on the electronic unified invoice when claiming reimbursement.

Q15:What should I do if a receipt has been corrected with a pen?

A15Any amendments should be stamped by the vendor, but if the number of the amount in Chinese characters is wrong they vendor must issue a new invoice.

Q16:What should if I do if the cashier did not input the schools business ID number of the receipt from the cash register?

A16You should use a ball pen (not pencil) to write the school Business ID number on cash register uniform invoice and ask the vendor to it using their uniform invoice stamp.

Q17:When the product name on the cash register uniform invoiceis in English or serial number, should the Chinese product name be added?

A17You should use the ball pen (not pencil) to write the Chinese product name and sign your name.

Q18:What should I pay attention to when claiming travel expense from abroad?

A18You should include the following

1Ticket stub or electronic ticket.

2Transaction document agency receipts from travel industry or proof of payment.

3Boarding pass stub, passport copy, airline ticket or other documents as proof of boarding.

4Foreign exchange memo or inquiry for historical foreign exchange rate by Bank of Taiwan on the day before your departure.

Daily living expenses is calculated from the date of official leave, and the amount for the last day will only be 30% of the normal amount.

Q19:What should I pay attention to when inviting foreigners to come to the school to attend classes or participate in various activities?

A19You should request to pay the withholding tax to the Cashier’s Office within 5 days from the payday, and attach the following documents


2A copy of alien resident certificate (ARC) or passport to pay tax and apply a withholding statement within 10 days from the National Taxation Bureau.

3According to the Non-resident of the Republic of China with withholding rate by Ministry of Finance

(1) If the total employment income per month is less than 1.5 times the minimum wage approved by the Executive Yuan, 6% of individual income tax shall be withheld for those who stayed for less than 183 days in the year of income (January 1st to December 31st). On the contrary, if it is over 1.5 times the minimum wage 18% of individual income tax shall be withheld.

(2) The date of entry on passport to calculate number of resident days who resides in the ROC for 183 days or more are applicable to the national’s withholding method, and a copy of the passport needs to be attached.

(3) Twenty percent need to be withhead as individual income tax for items such as public article fees, royalty, or public speeches (not belonging to part of the class) etc. However, if the amount is less than $NT 5,000 then no income tax shall be withheld.